Competition research is another way

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Competition research is another way

Post by parvej45 »

Clients more than once. How did you explain everything to them? Keywords a Quora comments reviews Quora is an excellent source of information (not only when searching for keywords but also for other e-marketing activities). Quora is a platform where we can find substantive valuable high-level statements on very different topics. Users ask for advice when choosing mattresses courses cosmetics podcasts scooters guitars - many many different things.

We can therefore find out what topics in our industry are interesting what objections customers have regarding a given product and what they pay attention to. It's also a good idea to look through reviews and comments. This is wedding photo editing service information straight from users from which we will learn why users value a given product and why they will not buy it again. Such data can be helpful when selecting keywords but also when creating content. Keywords and competition metadata. Of course it's not about copying or copying but about inspiration. We collect information about competitors' keywords and check what actions we can take to achieve higher positions.


What to look for? First let's check the metadata. The metadata contains the most important keywords for a given company. Meta data is visible already in the search results. We usually don't spend too much time on them we just open the website right away and they are a good source of information. Of course after analyzing the metadata it is worth checking what is happening on the competition's website. keywords what to pay attention to Keywords what else should you pay attention to? How else can we choose keywords? We cannot ignore specialized tools. We have both free and paid options to choose from including Keyword Planner surfer.
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